
Particle as phenomenon of the Matrix

  The Geometry of space, time ans pulse

The Particle as a phenomenon of the Matrix

Terms are used here that are also explained in  Matrix

A particle here is no longer a separate object, it is the result of all conditions at this locality. This gives space-time pulses the main role, the particle act as a specific disturbance or property of the existing structure. In general, this disturbance is an oscillation of the entropy of surrounding space and is regarded as a field. The surrounding space is the matrix and the medium on this scale, which is the top cascade of the lower scales. So the field is an oscillation. It is assumed that it oscillates in (+) and (-), which however corresponds only half to the structure of matrix. There it is a double oscillation that oscillates with each of them again. This makes contraction and depression as a unit in (+) and in (-) time.

dopple oscillationThis is a logical consequence if, from this point of view of the 4th spatial dimension, the now flat 3D matrix gets an upper side and a down side. The 4th spatial dimension is thus part of the axiom space and is justified in the Page MATRIX. Here's another hint: unnoticed, we live mids of evidences of a 4th spatial dimension. At least when technology gives us a good method to generating holograms, then we will see that the 3 dimensions of our space is just an illusion. As a hologram, we can walk through walls and jump into the depths with impunity. Pain, inertia, strength, etc. are not explained by 3 dimensions. These are arbitrarily attached to objects. Only the involvement of a 4th spatial dimension creates the explanatory models that were explained in the Page MATRX.

Now 2 axiomatic terms, the 4th spatial dimension and the double oscillation have been here introduced. This was not done arbitrarily. It was logical determinations that started from the beginning of our universe. Under the extreme conditions of the original state, which was called BB (Big Bang) by physics, the components of space were pressed in such a way, that space arranged itself in a maximum packing manner, which was described as a tetrahedral structure with octahedral gaps in the main article MATRIX.

The later expansion gave rise to an almost absolute harmony and uniformity that contradicted Bohr's probability structure. Feynman's degrees of freedom also became obsolete. The CMB (cosmic mikrowave backgroud) was the first result.
It is assumed here that the birth of our universe is an universal angular momentum, the prenatal phases are included in our today's development. It is the new beginning of a new universal cycle.
The description of the matrix structure assumes that everything starts as a perfect balance of all properties and with a very small degree of freedom. It is a perfect symmetry, it would n't be possible in an other way.
The question arises whether this original state of highest energies is its own medium or whether the outer space outside as an original state (hyperspace) also has a matrix structure as medium. The normal assumption of science, that it should be a vacuum, sounds illogical here. Instead of this vacuum, a medium must be assumed as an undisturbed, perfect structure in balance of its properties, which because of this balance does not release any forces from its system (because it is a  perfect symmetry) and thisis therefore apears to us to be completely empty. This highest state of energy can therefore only be the result of a cyclical primal moment of the entire universe. Hyperspace would thus be considered as an equilibrium and the “big bang” as a local distortion of hyperspace. Its expansion would therefore just a regain of harmonie. Matter has now been created in the new space by this momentum of the 4D.coordinate.

particle collaps

Now two axiomatic concepts have been introduced, the 4th spatial dimension and the double oscillation. This did not happen arbitrarily. They were logical determinations that have been going on since the beginning of our universe. Under the extreme conditions of physics, BB (Big Bang) dimensions are special concepts of representation or perspective. The real object has always united all dimensions. It is the explanation of the object that uses the dimensions as a single concept. So a 2-dimensional description is always only a part of the object. This also applies to the 4th, 5th, etc. dimension. For logical reasons, a 4D space can be assumed instead of the 3D space, referred to here as hyperspace for the sake of clarity. The explanation of the particles requires 4 additional spatial dimensions in addition to time..

The main difference between the official physics particle concept and the MFT (matrix field theory) is that particles do not really exist. Instead, there are states what hint to phenomena, what physics interprets as particles. We need to be aware that we are trying to prove particles with particles. All what we research in LHC (large hadron collider) all over the world is nothing more than the measurement results of the parameters: time, space, pulses, which are called particles. In this way “sparks” of collisions turn into particles by names and Nobel prizes.

In MFT (matrix field theory), particles are seen as oscillating fields in the respective medium. The medium is the next lower matrix structure or scale, a field structure with its own metric. It is now clear, that the “sparks” of LHC (large hadron collider) research are not considered to be oscillations because of their short lifespan. Thus, only the fermions, protons, neutrons, electrons and neutrinos are particles.

manko colorThey are the result of matrix with its oscillating fields in 4 conditions (colors), which cause the center of the octahedron to collapse into the 4th dimension under high pressure. This collapse produces the color that is missing in the octahedron, referred to here as the deficiency color.
It should not be forgotten that a collapse in the center of the octahedron only happens if the forces in the distances (rod forces) of the matrix can withstand the pressure. Only this state creates an excess force that ONLY could bend into the 4th dimension to release the pressure.

The picture shows here: horizontally, the distances of scales in 3D space,
vertically, the pressure related to the collapse of a proton.

particle scaleIn the gray area, the pressure cannot build up a collapse in the center of octahedral. The color distances are too big (and weak), they just collapse to a lower scale. The distances in the red area are so small that they can withstand the pressure in the respective scale and build up overpressure in the centers of octahedral. It comes to the bending to the 4th spartial dimension.
Basically there are 2 lines that have an intersection. The horizontal line of the gray area, which shows E = h / ƛ or the elasticity of the space, and the exponential line, which shows the capability to perceive pressure depending the of distance (or the rod force) it is the length-dependent stability of the distance (small distances / high force).

even number scaleSince stable particles were only found as oscillations up to the proton (the Higgs particle is excluded), this stability level with its distances was referred to as the S1 scale. The geometry of the scales was defined in the MFT. There it can be seen that all scales of odd numbers such as S1, S3, S5, S7 can build up high pressure in their space cells (tetrahedral / octahedral). The scales of even numbers like S2, S4, S6 etc. can only hold the pressure of their entropy, they distribute any excess pressure into the environment with V = c. At these scales of even numbers, lifetimes for oscillations cannot be expected. It is the world of “sparks” or of LHC-particles.

All fermions will be briefly shown.

protonThe proton occupies the matrix structure S1. The other colors symbolize the space of the matrix in S1. Its strong oscillation creates a number of other bound fields such as the Pauli field, the charge field, the field of chemical bonds, the field of aggregate states etc. which are not shown here.


neutronThe neutron, it occupies the matrix structure S1 u. S3. In S1 is the proton, in S3 the electron. The MFT martrix field theory) explains the charge (+) and (-) differently than in general physics. Since a particle oscillates, it is always (+) or (-). It is the counter-period of the electron that neutralizes the warp- effect in 4D space and thus does not transfer any value of charge to physics.


electronThe electron, it occupies the matrix structure S3. The picture now shows no proton, enstead it shows the deficiency color in the center, here red. If the deficiency color comes to the periphery of the structure S3, then it will have changed to blue, since space properties only propagate in V = c in 3D. If the color red e.g. a wave crest in the 4D view, then blue would be a wave trough here, which indicates the affinity for the proton without needing the arbitrary value of a charge.


neutrinoThe neutrino occupies the matrix structure S5 - S9. The red defect color in the center is always just an example that makes the double oscillation understandable from the proton. Here it becomes a wave crest again in S5, a wave trough in S7 and a wave crest again in S9.

In the main page of Matrix Theory Part 4
(see Partikel-Tafel) it is explained that the rod pressure in S9 does not collapse. As a result, only the scales S5 and S7 have an effect on the neutrino, which makes the neutrino electrically neutral, similar to the neutron (S1 and S3). Photons enstead of bosons are already generated in S9, which have no effect on the properties of the 4th dimension of the neutrino due to their escape with V=c into the surrounding space.

This article serves for a better understanding of my page MATRIX  Matrix

If you are interessted for a deeper insight to the Theory, read my papers for this subject.

The MATRIX of all what is
The vibration of the world-medium
The geometry of the medium space
The universe
Friedmann-space and the space-matrix
The space-time continuum
The space- and time-illusion
Particle in the matrix structure
The Electron


Gunter Michaelis, Lützelflüh 2022, Switzerland