
Our universe is a chimera

A game of geometrical dimensions, a patchwork of theories

A new perspective to our universe

A peer through the illusion

Terms are used here that are explained in Matrix.

The individual considerations in the depths of physics led to the point where the old description of our universe could no longer be maintained. There are new paradigms of physics that I described in my paper Matrix. It's the fabric of our world whose properties forms the matter and in the real sense creates the Matter illusion. School physics can no longer explain the latest knowledge in physics and astro-physics. Too many independent Individual findings and research create confusion and incompatible theories. From this situation I decided to line up my findings in order to draw a new meaningful overall picture of our universe.

An initial point, which is now commonly referred to as the Big Bang (BB), should make the beginning of this description. It lies in the realm of rhythmic repetitions, which are theoretically an oscillation process. Even here, such an initial point becomes a dynamic of many processes. The beginning of our story becomes an arbitrary immersion in a never-ending story. The higher-level process is oscillation, which is always and everywhere inherited. It becomes the basis of all further discussions. It is the swing between 2 states. At the initial point, it is considered to be the highest compression toward the maximum possible dilution. Now it will rise the question; what is this, what is compressed here? How long does this process take? Can all physical processes really be explained with oscillation? There are also irregular processes. However, these are recognized as super-imposed oscillations. A double oscillation was assumed in my matrix theory  oscillation as the basis of the “empty” space. This forms a tetrahedron whose 4 properties  |++ |  +- | -+ | -- | add up to zero and justify the “empty” space. The tetrahedron is the simplest, but also the most stable construction of a 3D (3 dimensional) space. If space is filled with spheres as densely as possible, its centers result in a tetrahedron filling. It is the geometric basis of the "matrix". It is the double oscillation of distance and time here.

doupple oscillationDo time and space (distance) arise during the Big Bang? Of course not, then there would be the “all out of nothing” logic. Such a thing has no place in logical consideration. The paradigms of our world, however, are calibrated at the initial point. It is a zenith of highest density and the metric of shortest distance and longest time dilation. In short: the highest speed. Since the metric in the theory of relativity allows all distances to be almost infinitely large and all times to be almost infinitely short, an ultimate maximum speed with the highest energy can be assumed, it is the calibration of the speed of light. Now we have the first big insight: The Big Bang transfers everything that comes out of it at the speed of light V=c. Since physicists in their wing chair could not imagine that they were flying through space with V=c, they overlooked this logic (and still do it today). Today it is assumed that the Big Bang started with V=c, but that it sank to more or less normal speeds over the course of  light years. But what caused the decrease of the escape speed? Is it the resistance of space? Again, a new replacement theory must serve here.

The solution is simple. It didn't even happen in 3D space! There was no big bang in the space of our universe. The proof; the Cosmic Microwave Background CMB. It shows us that approx. 380,000 years after the Big Bang, i.e. 0.00028% of the time until today, the universe was almost isotropic. There was no sign of central density. A simple picture should help us further. If in the spatial representation x; y; z the z-coordinate is replaced with w, the 4th coordinate of a 4-dimensional space, then we see a sphere with the initial point as the center in the expanding state. The sphere becomes the hyper-space sphere, the expansion a dynamic in hyper-space. On such a scale, the speed of light becomes a slowly increasing process similar to the growth of a flower.

It was Marco Pereira who wrote this picture in his theory HU (Hyperspherical Universe) 2005. He justified this with the latest measurements of the Hubble constant (redshift of the spectral lines of the starlight), which says that based on the distance of the observed celestial body, the escape speed is approx. 70 km/s per Mpc or 2.2 km/s per 100 '000 light years. So every 100,000 light years the speed of expansion increases. If in 13.6 billion LY it increases 2.2 km/s every 100,000 LY, then in the end it will have the speed of light.
13.6 10^9/10^5 * 2.2 km/s = 13.6 10^4 * 2.2 km/s = 299 200 km/s
The Hubble constant says that in 13.6 billion LY all celestial objects were more or less to be found in the same place and that this place with V=c moves away from us or we away from it. More clearer than that can´t be.

Now we have the hypergeometric universe as an image of a sphere and of its surface  which symbolizes curved space. What does a 3D spherical surface mean in the reality of a 4-dimensional space. This can be explained when an analog image with a low dimensional number is seen. I am using the formula table of my Page Matrix, 4D-geometry . Bit by bit, the meaning of the circular curvature is described there.

D1            (dimension 1) length = 2•r                (2•radius), a straight line
D1/D2      the line is bend to a circle: 2•r•π.      ratio (difference) = π
D2            The circle is filled as an area: r²•π      ratio = r/2
D2/D3      The circular area is curved: r²•4π     ratio = 4
D3            The ball is filled: r³•4/3•π                   ratio = r/3 value= 0.333
D3/D4      The curved 3D space: r³•2•π²           ratio = 1.5•π value = 4.71

The flat space D3 increases with the curvature of the 4D hyperspace by 1.5•π=4.71 This is understood when one sees the earth from Mars head-on from the north. Then we would see a circle with r=6‘366 km with the North Pole in the center. In reality (in 2D of the surface) the radius would have the geodetic length of Ø=40,000/4=10,000 km. Analogously, the 4D radius of our universe is derived from (3D) r=13.8 billion LY (in length and time) as following:
We set r=1 and create a space whose radius measured along a curved paths:
r(4D) = r•√³(3/2•π) = √³4.71 = 1.676 and calculate r=(13.8•10^9)•1.676 = ~ 23•10^9 LJ.
The diameter would then be 46 billion LY. From this distance, however, only a visible area of 27.2 billion LY is currently accessible to us. It is the “Hubble Bubble” that has become a buzzword. However, it is a kind of geodesy diameter. Geometric dimensions do not apply in curved space.

Now the big confusion comes into play: Is the Hubble Bubble (HB) just the shadow of the 4D sphere? How can that be imagined? Today the situation is similar to that of Copernicus, when the Ptolemaic geocentric worldview of a flat earth prevailed for 1200 years. With the complicated epicyclic theory even orbits of planets could be calculated. However, Copernicus designed a heliocentric view of the world that made the complicated calculation of planetary orbits easy to explain. Nevertheless, it took more than 100 years for the holy heads of Christian science to reject this theory because they could not let go of the holy paradigms of an absolute BELOW and ABOVE (hell and heaven). The situation today is similar: How can our space be imagined with 4 dimensions. Most of the astronomers see it this way (3-dimensional):

• The universe is infinite, at least bigger than we can ever see.
• The HB, the Hubble Universe, our maximum field of vision is embedded in this infinity.
• The Big Bang happened somewhere outside HB. It causes the universe to expand, including HB.
• A center of expansion would not exist in our visible universe.

Then our astronomers also included objects from the past and future, which led to the theories of the "event horizon space" and "particle horizon space". It is actually a similar situation to Ptolemy, who had to calculate the planetary orbits, whose centers are not at all on earth. We deal with phenomena as the shadow of an all-encompassing 4D space.

4D photon traceHow would the unbiased stargazer see the world? What would he see if he had a magical telescope that could see into the boundless depths of our universe?

The first picture shows him an infinite Euclidean space with more or less isotropic properties. The universe is getting hotter and ends in a blazing light, the BB or Big Bang. The magic telescope also shows him that the universe becoming denser and more energetic per distance. He made his observations in all directions, 360 x 360 °. He recognized in the 1st picture that he is in the center of a glistening bright shell of highest energy. All direction vectors end in BB.
The 2nd picture calculates the spatial properties of maximum propagation of 300,000 km/s. This means that every distance in light years is also a time distance in years. He looks into the past. The "here and now" is only there where he is now. All direction vectors end in a past of about 13.8 billion years.
The 3rd picture forced him to leave the illusion of 3D space, since he cannot be in the center of a fireball called the big bang. The picture symbolically shows the shells of the curved space of time epochs, in which the line of sight tangential to the shell is the distance and radially is the time. It becomes more and more curved in time, until after 13.8 billion LY. it reached the big bang.
The 4th picture now also includes the change in the metric of each individual space shell. The distances multiplied by Lorentz factor are getting shorter and shorter, as  those of the energy (vertical coordinates), which, however, as a time component also becomes increasingly steeper (a 3D image instead of the 2D image shown here). The inclusion of Lorentz factor in the metric now allows no longer the stargazer to see the big bang. The direction vectors or lines of sight now end at an infinite speed. The Big Bang (BB) moves into an infinite distance.

The stargazer now wants to find out the truth of all observations. From picture 4 he recognizes the curved photon trail, which leads to the only goal, the end of the visible universe, in an almost infinite lightning bolt of energy (BB). However, this picture shows itself to him in all 360•360° directions. Although contemporary astronomy theoretically see the same thing by extrapolation, they overlook the fact that this picture is valid for all directions and geometrically would result instead in a centre, in a shell at the end of visibility from unimaginable energies, which makes no sense. It can't be a spherical shell made of unimaginable energy. Only the inclusion of a 4th spatial dimension and the relativity to the speed of light reverses the picture and lets the energy flash appear as a center of a 4D sphere. An explanation of the expanding universe without "dark energy". The only explanation what here make sense.

It is the typical situation of Copernicus, who had the courage to set the  center of thought outside the geocentric worldview of his time.

4d bbHere's another illusion. The distance to the BB makes the universe more dense. This causes a greater steepness of the metric distortion by the Lorentz factor. The proportional and radial lines of the Hubble constant are curved because of the increasing density (in 4D). It distort the optics to the initial point, here called BB. The difference in geometry between 3D and 4D alone causes all distances of the Hubble constant to increase by ³ (1.5 π) . Here 13.6 LY becomes 23•10^9 LY. In addition, the density in the GRT would give its contribution as distortion up to about 150 billion LY, the true distance.

Here is another example: In general we believe to be able to gaze 13.6 billion LY in straight line in the space. With the recognition of the Hubble constant as a distance measurement, astrophysics there for imagines a sphere with r=~14 billion LY as the maximum of visibility. That too is an illusion. In reality, an instrument can only look towards the BB. Whichever direction one is looking, the center of expansion, what is not in our visible 3D space, always emerges at the end of visibility, hiding behind the CMB. It can only be looked towards the past. This ends in all directions always in the BB. At the end of visibility, the same scene is always seen. All rays of light end there.

The inclusion of a 4th spatial dimension, which is also the carrier of time phenomena, makes it possible to understand in a geometric way the paradoxes in the visible picture of our universe. But one final question remains:

How can the Big Bang (BB) be explained. 99% of scientists think this is a religious question. Only 1% (or just me) believe that an explanation is scientifically possible. In order to understand it geometrically in the same way, the 5th spatial dimension must now be included. In principle, we proceed in exactly the same way as when including the 4th spatial dimension. We simply transfer the events one dimension further. That means here:

The 3D space, our visible universe is now 1-dimensional. In this case a ring (circumference). The 4th dimension would be the area that fills the ring. And if this scenario is represented in 3D, then the z-coordinate would be the 5th spatial dimension. With such a construction, a BB scenario can be imagined as follows:



The initial point would be the BB. The 5th dimension (vertical) would be hypertime. A short distance away from the BB is the CMB, here named MWB (Micro Wave Background). The 4th red line above the BB symbolizes (here 1-dimensional) our "now" time. The blue line symbolizes the curve of  expansion into the 4th dimension (here the horizontal one). Above this, the future shows the turning point of hypertime. Other dynamic states are not shown. The apparent torus shows various turning points and an overall cycle.



It is the same representation, except that a 3 dimensional isometric are now applied for the image. Here the future was marked as a surface. The 3D space is always only displayed as a circumference (1-dimensional). As a logical consequence, it is influenced by dimensions above it, which creates the paradoxes in its limited visibility.

All of the dynamic processes presented here are based on the axiom of a superordinate space. This is described in detail in my page the Matrix of space . All processes in space are propagations with V=c, its own nature remains superior.

As early as 1919, Einstein used consistent logic to explain the new image of space as a space that has no physical properties and does not permit any velocity.

"According to the general theory of relativity, space without ether is unthinkable; because in such a space there would not only be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of the existence of scales and clocks, and therefore no spatio-temporal distances in the sense of physics. However, this ether must not be thought to be endowed with the property characteristic of ponderable media, to consist of parts that can be traced through time; the concept of motion must not be applied to it."

Unfortunately, this clear realization could not be understood by following generations. With no physical properties, space became an ultimate emptiness. Einstein knew what Archibald Wheeler described: "Nothing is more important than the fact that space is not empty. It is the substance of the mightiest physical forces." It is the difficulty that we ourselves and all our measuring devices are made of space and therefore can never explore the properties of space itself. Space itself, therefore, as the bearer of all existence and as the bearer of physics itself, must be stronger and more real than what it bears. "What we see as material bodies and forces is nothing other than the forms and structures of space and time" - Ermin Schroedinger.

Space is the axiomatic basis of our physical existence. It is not reborn in the gaps between galaxies, as the Friedann-space (or F-L-R-W-space) it beleaves. From the law of conservation of energies, this idea is distorted in such a way, that they beleave at an expansion of space what produces the large part of the redshift. This is simply wrong. The redshift is a Doppler effect and not a thinning of space. Many astronomers treat space as an ether, a false theory of the 19. Century. Matrix and the Friedmann-space. The space is poly-dimensional and in our 3D limitation creates all kinds of paradoxical properties, which are perceived as dark energy, but also as mass, inertia, charge, spin, but which can be explained as space-geometric phenomena when further dimensions are included.

If you are interessted for a deeper insight to the Theory, read my papers for this subject.

The MATRIX of all what is
The vibration of the world-medium
The geometry of the medium space
The universe
Friedmann-space and the space-matrix
The space-time continuum
The space- and time-illusion
Particle in the matrix structure
The Electron


Gunter Michaelis, 22.1.2022