
the MATRIX of space-time-continuum

a geometrical and philosophical approach to physics

the MATRIX of space-time-continuum

A consideration of the Euclidian space up to a multidimensional existence.

The Values of 3 dimensional space are referred as vector
the values of the 4th dimension are referred as tensor or time
The term MATRX is here a 3 dimensional structure
The term hex-metric means here, a metric of 60° angles

If 3 dimensions are Euclidian, time is some imaginary value. It is a tensor to each space point. If considering time as a geometric space dimension, space also could be considered as Euclidian but would have 4 coordinates and 4 dimensions. This is the better theory than Euclidian 3D-space with a time-tensor in each point.

Zero = √tc²-√x²-√y²-√z²-√4d²
It is the limit of the 4 dimensional electro-magnetic space

 tc = time · lightspeed = λ = wavelength as a distance, here the maximal distance of all values.

The 4D Euclidian space could treat the dimension of time at the 4th coordinate. To consider Time as a coordinate, different directions of time are possible. 3D-field-frames don’t have to have in this way a same gauge in time coordinate and can generate therefor different spaces in spaces. Different worlds could have the same Euclidian coordinates in the same “here”.

The physic using 4D-space as its base can’t be isotropic anymore. A distant is always a wavelength λ or an integer number of it and therefor a wave function (Schrödinger). Consequently, the time-coordinate should be considered at the same way. That means it comes in as a wave-form with the same λ and interact with the 3D-space.

Space here is not only a concept, it is also physically existing. Space as Euclidian or physical medium has to be transparent. That requires a total balance of all 4 quantum states that Dirac formulated. All imbalances as distortions will jump back by lightspeed to the original state of an equilibrium. The 4th dimension therefor equalizes changes in lightspeed c. While energy travels away in V=c, the 4th dimension will have also a local effect to the 3D mesh, as 3D coordinates will have.

The energy as a space property for a medium is beyond our gauge size. All we can measure is the energy of its disturbance. In this way, we never can modify the medium itself. The physical medium of space is basically the same as its disturbance, but beyond any ability for manipulation. Therefore, a distinction of space and its medium doesn’t exist. Differences are only their scales or λ of their fields.

The analogy here is the film roll, all sequences are rolled into lengths without velocity. Only when they are rolled out in the projector can movement be seen. In 4D space, the 3D spaces lie on top of each other, only the basic frequency of our perception allows them to be recognized as a 3D space with movement. The difference in seeing time as the 4th coordinate lies in the simultaneity of all time sequences, so that we can go into (-) as well as (+) values.

Each λ (as distances of space points) creates its own plane of fields or better, its own space of entanglement. Any interacting is based on the same λ or scale. Single fields create secondary fields in larger scales. By geometrical reasons obey these secondary fields with the same centre and integer factor of size (λ) the rule of scale x = 3^x. In this way an electron interacts with a proton in a 27-time (3^3) bigger scale than of the proton.

After all these configurations, logic requires that points in space are placed in specific geometric relationships. It is the rule, that all distances (λ) of the same scale are the same. All space-points have an equal distance of each other. We can start with the simplest shape to fill space geometrically. Let’s consider first the construction of a Cube-space.

cubePicture 1

It allows a rectangle pattern of points; the single cell would be a cube. 3 dimensions are marked in this way. To find a way, to mark time as a vibration by the same cube-λ or point-distances, we use 2 colours for each point. Each point has 2 states or parities of its oscillation. Such a medium as cubes without diagonals would collapse easily in all directions of 3D-space. Only the time-coordinate would be stable. All disturbances would bend the inner construction, because of its rectangular momentum to the main pattern. To avoid this, we apply a hex-metric structure inside each cube. If the extended points at the cube edges are connected to its inside, it becomes stable.

The picture 1 shoes a possible inbuild cube in a hex-metric pattern. The main difference here is, that all points of the cube have the same colour. The colours here are geometrically derived from a hex-metric pattern inside the cube. That simply means, the distances of the cube don’t fit the scales of the main hex-metric patterns and its λ is the λ·√2 bigger and has therefore no time-relation or resonance to the original λ of its inner structure. The edge-points are therefore not interactive.

Now, let’s consider a hex-metric pattern. The simplest geometrical form is the tetrahedron. Why? Consider you have 100 little transparent balls in a transparent plastic bag. Each ball has a LED-light in its centre. Connect all the LED-lights and you will have a hex-metric mesh made of tetrahedrons. That is because tetrahedrons fill the space (here the bag) at the densest way. The result is: Each centre of each ball has the same distance of each other. The number of centres per space-unit is higher than a filling with cubes. The reason why scientists don’t like this idea is, it is more difficult to calculate by rectangularly coordinates.

magnets Tetra-octaPicture 2

Cubes are the easiest to calculate and require only two colours to fulfil the condition of full colour balance. But nature (and physics) follows the other way and arrange space hex-metrical.

Peering to the combined tetrahedrons shows, even they are the densest way of space filling, they have gaps between them in shape of octahedrons.

Blue are the tetrahedrons to the open space, pink symbolize here a gap between tetrahedrons, which here represents an octahedron. We must always remember that octahedrons do not physically exist, they are gaps. The nots of this hex-metric mesh are in the same way for tetrahedrons and for octahedrons. Remember; Not the distances (λ) make the medium of space, the nots are the points and the physical existence of space. To look in sense of octahedrons or tetrahedrons is just a point of View.

cube dissamblePicture 3

Let’s analyse the geometry of the hex-metrical mesh.

We know, the nots (space points) have equal distances. That creates equilateral triangles. We recognise octahedrons and tetrahedrons are made of the same equilateral triangles. Tetrahedrons are built of 4 of them, octahedrons are built of 8 of them. If you add 8 tetrahedrons on the inner octahedron surfaces (pink), it resultes in picture 2. The outermost corner points of this constellation are the corner points of a cube (see picture 3). To fill these corner points to the cube, 12 octahedron ¼-pieces, the parts a; b; c of the 3 other octahedrons (4﮲a + 4﮲b + 4﮲c) is needed. The ¼ parts together make 3 octahedrons + 1 (the middle one in pink of picture 2) = 4 octahedrons. Since the reference is a cube with λ=√2, we know that 4 octahedrons + 8 tetrahedrons are the volume V=(√2)^3. Now we calculate the volume of an octahedron with λ=1 as Voct=1·1·√2/3, subtract 4·Voct and divide the result by 8 and get Vtetra, the volume of a tetrahedron. Now you will find, that the volume of the mesh is built of 2/3 of octahedrons and 1/3 of tetrahedrons. This ratio you will find in all scales. It is the space built by 3 dimensions the geometry of the hex-metrical mesh.

This consideration applies to the Euclidian 3D space. A true 4D elastic and bend space can’t be rigid. But the reference to the upper description of space is needed to for further understanding. Let us imagine the Euclidian 3D space as a "3D-plane" of a rigid but 4D-Euclidian space. If 3D-space is a plane, we can easy imaginate 4D-space as a volume. I will call it the 4D-volume. It is filled by the hex-metrical 3D-mesh as described above.

The time-coordinate is missing. Time is not the 4th dimension; it is an effect of it. To understand this fully, we have to consider distance not as length in the classical sense, it is an integer number of wavelengths what will appear as real length in a wave function, a line by unreal points in a zero state. In this sense time is a state of an oscillation in a certain simultaneity. This simultaneity is a zero point, a point with the highest precision and becomes blurred if time has a higher value. But this time-value is a length as an integer number of wavelengths, what quantize time in units. In this way, time units as wavelength are equal in all of 4 coordinates, a line of zero-state points.

3D plus colorPicture 4

It is simultaneity that shapes our scientific understanding, which is limited to three dimensions. Only traditional habits force us to interpret time as memory or future. If we extend this simultaneity to a 4D coordinate, time becomes a real coordinate. Just like 3D lengths, it is quantized to a length in the direction of a 4D space. Lengths in all dimensions are therefore also units of time.

If we consider the 4D-Volume, what then is the indication of time in a 3D-Plane? The 4D-Volume definitely has no velocity and therefore no time. It sounds pretty the same as Einstein in his speech 1920 in Leiden: “the concept of motion should not be used on him (space)”. To transform this to our 3D-space-understanding, we use the hex-metric structure, now named as MATRIX and add 4 colours to the corners of the tetrahedrons.

We know, all coordinates could be seen as lines of zero points with wavelengths λ (the λ of the specific scale we look at it). They could be called as the center of oscillations. The Matrix-structure need 4 parities marked as colours to fulfill the request of a perfect equilibrium. In this way we fill up the space with points or nots in 4 colours in a way that no adjacent point will have the same colour. In this way we derive a zero-point state or an EMPTY space. We derive this by a double parity in one cycle. A (+ -) parity in a basic cycle which oscillate in a (+ -) parity of a super positioned cycle. Symbolized here as
+ +; + -; - +; - -.

symetry classicPicture 5

Now the question arises as to what a coordinate system could look like. At first glance, 6 coordinates at 60° angles to each other should provide a solution. All lengths would then have integer values, since the Matrix structure does not allow real values. This would be a complex procedure that could not compete with the vertical coordinates of classical space.

Octahedrons seem to show a solution here. The classic top, front and side views show that an octahedron always forms a square. However, it would be a coordinate system with 3 different x;y references related by 90°.

isometricPicture 6

The diagonals of the octahedron, however, would have a 90° x;y;z reference. They would have a length of λ·√2. This would allow a coordinate specification x; y; z, but here only in relation to the center of the octahedron. The coordinate values ​​would thus have a quantization of λ·√2. To get from the coordinate zero point to the center of the target octahedron, you only need to add +/-x, +/-1y and +/-1z to the coordinate values. In this sense, all points of a 3D space can be defined by the centres of the octahedra. It would show a space whose marking of its gaps would again show the tetrahedrons of this Matrix.

octa-layerBild Picture7

This coordinate system only makes sense if it could also define the 4th dimension, time. In Figure 7 it is shown as the large coloured ball. The 3D parities x; y as yellow and green, z as red and blue. Only in such a division do the centres of the octahedrons generates the 4th colour (large balls) as an indicator of the 4th dimension when the internal energy density collapses. This is the only way to imagine the influence of the 4th dimension with balanced parities (here blue and red) in our 3D space. The result: There are 2 types of spaces, one made of cubes with blue balls (blue space) and one made of cubes with red balls (red space). These two spaces are offset by ½(λ·√2). The red space indicates 3D space in positive time and the blue space induces 3D space in negative time. As 4D parity this just means +/- and means the equilibrium of empty space. We therefore live in both spaces, the parities of each of our atoms change in 4 colours per cycle; Spin (+-) and charge (+-) according to physics. Depending on the experiment, these parities are interpreted as spirality.

4 paritiesPicture 8

So, we have a real 4D coordinate system here, which gives distances in a rigid Euclidean space as quantized values where the parity of oscillation at the target location always equals the parity of the coordinate of zero point. Things become different if relativistic space is assumed, where the distance is limited by tc=√(x²-y²-z²-4d²).
Depending on the distance tc, an energy mutation at the zero point coordinate, results in a reaction time of t={√(x²-y²-z²-4d²)}/c. Since the distance is quantized by λ, theoretically a time quantum of λ/c, the time at which the parity changes depending on the energy density (e.g., a proton field), the colour value at the target will be different than that at the zero point .
If the number of quanta (λ) = n, then for color 1 = 1+(n - 4·(integer n/4)) .
If  the color number is 1, then e.g. for 41 quantum lengths the parity is 1+(41 - 4·10) = 2 .
This kind of calculation reflects the time fluctuation, it will be derived by the λ length. It would then have to be done for all 4 coordinates in 4D space.

This would be the blueprint of a real 4D-coordinate-system.

It is important to note that all images except image 8 have a simultaneity in the image. It is a quality of our ability for understanding to see 3 dimensions at the same time. People of the future might be able to do it with more dimensions.

Because science and physics neglecting the 4D-understanding, they found new names for any effect of a 4D-Volume-understanding. The observed cycle of fermions (4D-objects) has therefor ½ spin because the 4 parities per cycle. Nobody nowadays believes at a spinning particle. They are the 4 conditions of Dirac. A boson therefor as a 3D-plane-particle has 2 parities (+ / -) what is called here as 1 spin. Bosons obey the Schrödinger equation. It is clear, that bosons can’t have time in their account. They are forced to lightspeed propagation.

We found 2 generic types of energy-carriers; protons, electrons, neutrinos as 4D-Volume-effect and all bosons and photons as 3D-Plane-effect. Instead 4D-Volume-effect we could use the traditional term mass carrying particle. The reader already suspects that mass can now be explained.

We would come in this way to the Higgs-field, a field with a quality, to interact with a Higgs-boson, a Particle or field with a λ-wavelength so small, that its boson (its photon) would have an unbelievable energy of 125 GeV. But this as mass too are only traces of the 4th dimension. Here now we should explain physics only from a 4th dimensional MATRIX instead using complex tricks to explain it in 3 dimensions + time.

The bend relativistic space-time doesn’t belong to this consideration. We use here a 4D-Euclidian space. Euclidian that’s why, because all following considerations are based on a simultaneity, knowing, that this is limited to a certain λ, the wavelength of this specific consideration, a gauge scale or if you will, a special light or vibration suitable to the objects we observe.

This is the right moment to remember at the space of Einstein (speech at Leiden University 1919). It is a space that does not allow movement and only energy propagations. The medium is absolute rigid, only energy moves. From this prospect, a proton does not really exist, it is just the energy that has the effect of a proton in the centre of the octahedron (energy collapse in the octahedron). It's just this energy that moves by propagating through the rigid matrix of 4D-space.

The MATRIX-theory is a 4D space of a geometric assignment of points with equal distances, the λ of its vibration, an oscillation in 4 parities. The MATRIX theory has therefor only 2 variables,

Parity and scale.

Parity is based on the vibrational momenta of energy; the (+ -) of space elasticity that equalize disturbances with V=c to normality.

Scale is based on the λ of the field size of an oscillation λ = h·c / E where h = Planck constant = 4.135667...^-15 eV·s

The particle zoo of physics should be explaint only by this 2 variables !

We should always be aware, that all actions are a result of scale and parity. There are no separated things; all is entangled by these 2 basic properties what make up the MATRIX of space-time.

An explanation by parities requests always a state of (+) and (-) as imbalance of the medium

An explanation by scales requests always a smaller scale serving as a medium to a larger one.

Interactions request always the same scale or a scale of an integer ratio. Applied to their λ means the components interact always by the same energy.

All complex operations ask for the lowest energy-conditions and within this, space is tending to become larger with lower density (<E = >λ). The whole scenery is intertwined; a stand aside position is not possible. Observer and observations are always connected.

gropcirclePicture 9

Left it shoes a crop circle. Here an interpretation:
The large circle symbolizes the scale of the whole tetrahedron. The smaller circle shoes the field of parities, a medium condition of this scale. The points in them are the parities, where here is the condition of the medium. The small circle at the bottom with a centre point and more down below symbolizes the medium of the medium. The claim here mentions the 2 variables; parity and scale. The message is in all points perfect.

Someone out there seems trying to teach us more about true science but probably without success. The physical community seems jet not prepared to ascent from their old 3D-world to a grand Picture of 4D in the awareness of a multi-dimensional world.

However, the 4D matrix is ​​only a preliminary view. My paper about a new prospekt of our universe in context of the matrix, see Matrix-universe, describes not only the universe with 4 dimensions, but its emergence (Big Bang) as a hotspot of a hyper cycle in the 5th dimension. This logical application of geometric dimensions and their measurement methods refers here exclusively to the universe. The concept of dimensions can also be logically applied to related events such as the fate of life paths in the context of time and space and parallel worlds. In the 21st century, such concepts will become very useful.

Future generations will recognize the illusion of "space" and "time" and replace it with a new image of multiple dimensions. Time will become a 4D coordinate system. Without a time coordinate, space will also become an illusion. Without velocity, changes of locations will become a change of viewpoints and a simultaneous change of times. Distance and time will become auxiliary quantities without reality.

If you are interessted for a deeper insight to the Theory, read my papers for this subject.

The MATRIX of all what is
The vibration of the world-medium
The geometry of the medium space
The universe
Friedmann-space and the space-matrix
The space-time continuum
The space- and time-illusion
Particle in the matrix structure
The Electron

Gunter Michaelis, Griesbach den 27.12. 2023