
The Matrix as a new concept of space

A game of geometrical dimensions, a patchwork of theories

The Matrix in context to the Friedmann-space (respectively F-L-R-W-space)

The reference-frame of space is the Matrix

Terms are used here that are explained in the Page Matrix

The question always arises: does the space have a medium or is it self-generating. Lately, more and more physicists are of the opinion that the basis of our world is not sparsely distributed particles in the emptiness of space, but that particles are fields and its emptiness field-space. Matrix theory goes a step further here by explaining the substance of fields themselves. Instead of fields, it is actually oscillations that produce patterns on the lower scales, which in turn become the medium of these scales. In this sense, space has its field relationships in large and small as swinging oscillations down to the smallest scale, where the energy density according to E=hc/λ bends more and more towards the next higher dimension. This must be imagined in such a way that the Einstein field equation becoms more and more effective there as a relativistic metric or as a distortion of the distance relationships.

Friedmann space (also called F-L-R-W space) recognized in the SM of cosmology uses the same mathematics, but has the difference that the space between mass-bearing particles is seen only as a field per se. Thus the field has no medium. This again is the reason that the Friedmann-space as such becomes an existence (raisin-cake-dough theory). Today cosmologists use this theory to explain the superluminal speed of their distance calculations. The 2 bar charts down below should clarify the difference.



Upper image shows the matrix space with its continuous medium (darker downwards, brighter upwards as a function of energy density scale). The vertical lines symbolize the mass-carrying particles. From left (big bang) to right their distribution thins out according to their spatial distribution. The red line symbolizes the relativistic distortion of the energy level dependent metric (the Lorentz curve ϒ=1/√(1-(v/c)^2)). The arrow pointing from left to right symbolizes the expanding universe, which is always expanding in the same medium. The Hubble velocity here would be the rate of spatial distance increase in relation to the expansion. It would thus be a Doppler effect.

The lower image shows a space that is itself thinned out by its expansion from left to right. In the future (to the right), its space cells will become larger and larger, which will produce the redshift. The expansion of the particles as in the matrix space also creates a motion vector which is considered to be the primary cause of the redshift. Finally, the distortion of the relativity field equation (Lorentz factor) is taken into account. To my knowledge, however, this is neglected, since the entire model of the Friedmann space with the integrals of the 2 tensors (space and particle expansion) is only ever seen in 3 dimensions. The application of astronomers therefore calculates with at least 2 culminating velocities, that of the Hubble constant and that of space expansion. The galaxy UDFy-38135539 discovered in 2009 has a redshift of z=8.55, which would mean a distance of 13.2 billion LY. In the Friedmann space model, this would mean an escape velocity of 3.6 c (space expansion + particle expansion), which then adds up the distance to us to 30.3 billion LY.

In addition to the various speeds, the gravitational deceleration should also be included as a deceleration near the Big Bang. The calculation methods of Friedmann's spaces are generally accepted by the Brotherhood of Cosmologists. They clearly show that even with the "comoving" calculation in rigid space, V=c is never exceeded. This is a clear evidence that V=c is a function of medium "space". If the medium moves itself, then it becomes an object and needs a medium again, which actually again must be limited by a c'=???. Through the complex mathematics of a "comoving" view of our universe, the true insights are blurred. We find ourselves once again in a pre-Copernican situation where, as with Ptolemy, fallacies for the inexplicable of the 2-dimensional planetary orbits were mathematically fixed by complex calculations of epicycles. We call it geocentric today, but we should clearly call it as a false 2-dimensional view of the cosmos.

A new mathematics of dimensions as a model should be applied today. Why should our universe be limited to 3 dimensions, when with all individual knowledge of vector values, there are always tensor values included, ​​that could also be seen simply and understandably as vectors of higher dimensions. Thus the vectors of a rotating torus in the 5th dimension could provide the tensors of a cycle culminating periodically in the 4th dimension as the Big Bang, which then becomes an expanding sphere with a 4D surface (our bent space). In the 3rd dimension tensor values of the 4th dimension becomes vectors of our expanding universe with no center, no end but finite size. Then the normal earthling would also understand that the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) the first rays after the Big Bang (~0.0003% of the distance to the Big Bang) are not in the center of our universe, but visible in all directions as a shell or limit of the visibility of our stars in the sky. Yes, the Big Bang is really only 0.0003% behind this shell, so also as a shell. Only with the perspective of the 4th dimension, where our bent 3D space is the surface of a 4D sphere, can give us an intelligible picture.

If you are interessted for a deeper insight to the Theory, read my papers for this subject.

The MATRIX of all what is
The vibration of the world-medium
The geometry of the medium space
The universe
Friedmann-space and the space-matrix
The space-time continuum
The space- and time-illusion
Particle in the matrix structure
The Electron

Gunter Michaelis, 22.1.2022