
The Illusion of Space and Time

a geometrical and philosophical approach to physics

The Illusion of Space and Time

It is an attempt to combine physics and paraphysics. The theory of a geometric matrix Matrix of space-time-continuum will be expanded. Time is consciously seen here sometimes as the 4th dimension of our ability to imagine it and sometimes as a concept of physics.

The aim here is to logically derive the illusion of space and time from the theory of relativity. We know that everything is relative. Unfortunately, I don't know any physicist who knows what that really means. The theory of the Big Bang states that we are basically shooting at the speed of light into the unknown expanses of the "void". Even while sleeping. It is a general reference system of the universe in relation to time. The values ​​of the coordinates for space and time are measured by this reference system. They are added to the measured relative values ​​(or subtracted depending on (+ / -)). If the reference system has "almost" speed of light V=c', you only see the measured V=x. Actually, V=c'+x would be the real speed. But that means that the values ​​of the Lorentz function for distances, time and energy would be extremely distorted. This applies to space, spatial density and time.

space disturbends


This extreme distortion leads to the conclusion that a real statement cannot be made for all values. Only the rest energy or mass remains stable. Since kinetic energy (or inertia) is also not real, but only relative, no picture of reality can be constructed. It must be made clear that, for example, temperature can only be measured in the reference frame. If a new reference frame is adopted for the reference system, then all values ​​will be distorted to the point of insignificance. These arguments only seem to apply to 3D. In a 4D space, where an equivalent 4D coordinate applies instead of time, the rest mass would also be distorted. Nevertheless, we seem to live in a clear definable world.

This but is Illusion

But what would a disillusioned world look like? There is logic, consciousness and spirit. The Matrix briefly described it as a 4-dimensional structure and forms a bridge to these values. It is the medium of all what is. More than 100 years ago, Einstein said; without a medium, physics as we know it, would not be possible. He said this after he proved the ethertheory wrong. In plain language, this means that we and our world, the physical world, are only the imbalance of this 4D structure (the medium). The medium itself is inaccessible to us, what has no defined reference system, because of this relativistic distortion. We are the imbalance of a "physics" that is not directly accessible to us.
W e   a r e   I l l u s i o n ! (or with Schopenhauer: Will and Imagination)

. . . but Discarte said: Cogito ergo sum (I think therefore I am). But thinking is a game between past and future. It is the "now" that actually takes up no time. Physically, however, the "now" must have a time value. But the value is zero for physical values, which could but mean any length depending on the frequency or λ (λ=h c/E). Non-physical thinking can use this λ and divide it into past and future. In this way, time can be seen as a concept of the past and future. Now we find ourselves in the simultaneity of the 4th spatial dimension, since the other 3 dimensions (as coordinates) always mean simultaneity in this sense.

Here is an example (This is allowed in a time of consciousness ascendancy)
Darry Lanka is channelling Bashar (famous ET):
Past and future is not real. Everything real is only in the present.
Everything is simultaneously coexistent. You cannot proof the existent of the future or the past.
You will argue; there is evidence from the past!
Where is this evidence? They are in your present! This evident could build the past as another dimension with another frequency parallel to your present. That also works for the future. This alinement builds a continuum with this parallel dimension who exist only in the present.
Therefor >>cause and effect<< is an illusion. It works fine in this continuum but is an illusion.

An example where time (4th dimension) became a geometrical coordinate of simultaneity.

 new physics of our world

It is the physics of entanglement that is recognized in modern physics but cannot be explained. Psychologists and esotericists have long used this entanglement of our consciousness. Telepathy and the ability of all living beings to exchange their feelings serve here as an explanation. The humanities of science assume that the entire universe is entangled. It is the language of the spirit. For physicists, this causes an antipathy that is seen as an insurmountable barrier. From a logical point of view, however, this should not be. Einstein is said to have called this "spooky action at a distance". According to current physics knowledge, these are correlations of separate measurements of entangled quantum states. The relationships are predicted quantum mechanically and confirmed experimentally. These measurements do not propagate linearly. They determine to the target location and are therefore independent of V=c, the speed of light. From a logical point of view, this effect requires a new medium that has a much higher elasticity, i.e. is much "harder". It is assumed that the harder the medium, the higher its elasticity, the faster the propagation takes place. Such a medium but has never been proven.

the Matrix is Entanglement

The Matrixas medium is ​​a 4D structure with equal distances (λ) at every scale. However, scales are in certain integer ratios. Entanglements in the Matrix are about the quantum interference of  fermion fields. The ratios of the quantum field sizes*) (λ) are Sx=S^x . Sx=scale x, where S1 = 4-dimensional field of the proton. The Matrix theory assumes that this is the smallest field size in the universe. Of course, there can be even smaller field sizes, but these are virtual and have lifetimes of about 10^-27 seconds. The field oscillation (4D oscillation) creates a resonance pattern with equal distances that correspond to the λ size of the original field (e.g. an electron). Since the original size is not accessible to physics in a direct way, it is assumed that the measurements take place on much larger scales. This increases the λ as a fieldsize of  measurements. It has the same quantum state. Quantum mutations only able in octahedrons. These are fermion entanglements only.

*) For quantum field quantities, only the parities + / - are possible as hotspots of a wave equation. They are not subject to the Copenhagen explanation of a wave equation, since finer measurements are not possible at such scales.

Quantum Simultaneity in the Matrix

However, such a resonance pattern of hotspots of imaginary vibrational quantities is not sufficient to explain the propagation of mutations in the original field. Physics search of photon entanglement in quantum computer research. If the definition of place and time is precise enough, the adjustment of these values ​​as energy is achieved precisely, the same quantum values ​​can be achieved at defined intervals with devices of the same accuracy. For example, if computer A adjusts a photon "a", then computer B measures a photon "b" in the same quantum status under the same conditions. If "a" mutates, then "b" mutates as well. In this way, communication with simultaneity has been achieved. The same principle applies to all quantum field quantities in the Matrix. The secret of simultaneity comes from the fact that patterns are created in the quantum energy range. A disturbance energy propagates at the speed of light (V=c), but does not create a pattern. A photon propagates at V=c, but is often measured as a pattern of identical photons. However, simultaneity prevails only in a pattern of quantum fields. In the Matrix, patterns of this kind can easily be explained by hyperfields above the original field in the hierarchy of scales. Bell's theorem can also be explained in this way. The 3D patterns of the optical filter mutations do overlap there. In principle, also the interference of light can only be explained by the hyperfields around a photon beam. It are the hyperfields that allow pattern formation and thus allow quantum effects without the limit of light speed.

Spirit and Matter

The explanation of the quantum field patterns as a unit of simultaneity can be described as the atoms of knowledge. These result in cognitive spaces with a certain wavelength, their specific λ, of the hyperfield, in which time no longer exists. According to the matrix of world medium, they are seen as octahedrons (without the center color of fermions). In this concept, the universal medium structure is imagined as tetrahedrons with gaps as octahedrons. Only there in this gapses (octahedrons) can disturbances of the energy equilibrium (energies of medium's primal energy) exist. Since the "here and now" consciousness also consists of simultaneity, this primal cell of consciousness can be imagined as a field with a corresponding λ (oscillation length). The only difficulty for a physicist would be that these fields would have to be somwtime enormously large. Entanglement would be a solution to the problem here. The concept of simultaneity would also apply here in an equivalent pattern. These patterns with the same quantum states liberate the thought or the will as a mental unit from the constraint of the speed of light. A thought of universal size would then not be one field at the same size, it would be an entanglement of the view of our brain to our universe. This shows an important aspect of knowledge: It is the world as will and imagination (Schopenhauer) entangled with the world of physical experience. Here is . . .

3D + Zeit:   Past and future as will and imagination
4D:            a physical existing in time (e.g. Middle Ages or future).

Will and imagination are therefore the artificial -decoration-color: init text-decorati mirror of our consciousness. The 4D concept would be a first step towards a true PHYSICS. This explains many paradoxes in the current state of our view to the universe. For example, the missing location of the BB (Big Bang) in 3D space view is explained by the theory of a hyperspherical universe. It is simply a 4D image of our universe. This is also how the CMB (Cosmic Microwave Background) is explained, what is all around us and only 0.0003% away from the BB (in this prospect we would be in the centre of the BB). Dark matter can also be explained in this 4D geometry. But how would our consciousness manifest itself in a 4D geometry? It is the well-known idea that all the spiritual beings embody themselves in time and space according to their own will and can perceive these places as a reality outside of themselves. The meaningfulness of such changes of location can probably be explained in the consciousness of the 5th dimension.

In the sense of universal entanglement, it should be assumed that each of us is a fractal of a higher being, which in turn can also be a fractal of a being beyond our imagination. It is also true that a leg, head, etc. is also a fractal of my own consciousness. The term "fractal" becomes a synonym for entanglement!

In this sense, the external physical world is an entanglement of the cosmic super-consciousness with the fractal personal consciousness, which in turn is the superconsciousness of its body consciousness. The following applies:
Consciousness is not in us, we with our entire world are in the consciousness .



If you are interessted for a deeper insight to the Theory, read my papers for this subject.

The MATRIX of all what is
The Vibration of the physical medium
The geometry of medium "space"
The illusion of our universe
Friedmann-space and the matrix of space
The space-time-continuum
Particle in the matrix structure
The electron


Gunter Michaelis, Griesbach den 27.12. 2023